Monday, April 14, 2014

Reflowster - Soldering Controller for Surface Mount PCBs by Team Reflows...

I ran accross this on KickStarter,  I think it is very neat.  Check it out and see what you think.

You don't need to use it just for reflowing, it can be used to turn any 120V device on or off depending on the temperature.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Atmel ATtiny85 with Shift Register

My first successful attempt using a prototype PCB to house electronic components.

I have an Atmel ATtiny85 with an HC595N shift register.

There is more I would like to do with this.  Though so far I have added an LED to indicated that I have power to the board.

I had to scratch off the middle of the board, between the right and left side.  This PCB has each row connected (which I liked).

 Here you can see, I have the board powered up.  It is currently powered by an FTDI chip for serial communication.  I will add an interface for an FTDI breakout, so that it will be eaiser to connect.

I have not shown it yet, but this will be attached to a relay board to control.
I am now connected to the ATtiny85 chip and comminicating with it.

I shall post my code later, as I continue to work on this project.